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Functional Medicine in Aurora

woman smiling during a consultationFunctional medicine is a tool we use to focus on imbalances in the body and help to restore balance. Everything we do with exercise, nutrition, mindset, and chiropractic care ties into functional medicine and allows us to design care plans that teach our bodies to relearn how to heal.

Targeted Functional Care

Our functional medicine practice is dedicated to customizing care plans to your specific needs.

Our consultations begin with a thorough interview and assessment, followed by detailed bloodwork and testing. Testing allows us to find imbalances in addition to present diseases and gut health issues. Our goal in these primary stages is to find the missing piece behind the symptoms, and determine the underlying condition that is manifesting as aches, pains, and fatigue.

Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Care

Here at Buchar Family Chiropractic, we look at functional medicine and chiropractic care through the same lens. The goal is always to find the underlying cause of the patient’s symptoms, rather than just spot treat the symptoms that are present and obvious today. We want to determine the missing pieces that are preventing your body from optimal health, and fixing that with proper adjustments and lifestyle guidance.

Functional medicine takes your approach to nutrition to another level. We look at more information than just diet to help us identify the specific imbalances that we need to target on a more intense level. Nutrition is, simply, the core of any functional process in the body. Our goal is to help our patients harness the power of proper nutrition to restore balance on a level that allows them to eat and enjoy a properly balanced diet and healthy lifestyle and feel better every day.

Imbalances can present in many ways. In our office, we commonly see people suffering from fatigue, aches and pains, and headaches. As our patients age, insomnia and sleep trouble can start to develop, and in our younger patients, irregular cycles, mood issues, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, anxiety, and depression are common. However these ailments can and do affect patients of all ages and prevent many from living fulfilled lives every day. When we’re able to remedy these issues with targeted care, our patients often report significantly decreased symptoms and a far higher quality of daily life.

Our doctors have degrees from prestigious institutions including

Our functional medicine experts have continued education with a number of postgraduate certifications and classes including Living Proof and targeted courses involving thyroid and brain health, hormonal balance, GI, leaky gut, and autoimmune.

Find Out More

Functional medicine is an important pillar to a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating nutrition, expertly applied chiropractic care, regular exercise, healthy mindsets, and a regular sleep schedule to your daily life can feel like an overwhelming task. Our practitioners are here to listen to your concerns and design a custom plan for you, so you can start living your best life today!

Contact Buchar Family Chiropractic to set up your consultation today. Our office welcomes you with competitive packages, free consultations, new patient specials, and on-site x-rays. We look forward to joining you on your journey to a better life!



Functional Medicine Aurora, Naperville IL | Buchar Family Chiropractic